Bidsstack's NotifyPlus Puts Every Public Contract Within Reach.

1 Month Recurring Package

R 595 per user

Billed Monthly

Advanced Search and Filter Tools

Awarded, Cancelled, Closed, and Open Tenders Pages

Awarded, Cancelled, Closed, and Open Tenders Email Alerts

Unlimited Alerts, Filters, and Keywords

Start 7-Day Trial

Cancel Anytime

3 Month Recurring Package

R 1,785 per user

Billed Quarterly

Advanced Search and Filter Tools

Awarded, Cancelled, Closed, and Open Tenders Pages

Awarded, Cancelled, Closed, and Open Tenders Email Alerts

Unlimited Alerts, Filters, and Keywords

Start 7-Day Trial

Cancel Anytime

6 Month Recurring Package

R 3,570 per user

Billed Biannually

Advanced Search and Filter Tools

Awarded, Cancelled, Closed, and Open Tenders Pages

Awarded, Cancelled, Closed, and Open Tenders Email Alerts

Unlimited Alerts, Filters, and Keywords

Start 7-Day Trial

Cancel Anytime

12 Month Recurring Package

R 7,140 per user

Billed Annually

Advanced Search and Filter Tools

Awarded, Cancelled, Closed, and Open Tenders Pages

Awarded, Cancelled, Closed, and Open Tenders Email Alerts

Unlimited Keywords & Filters

Start 7-Day Trial

Cancel Anytime

Features and Benefits

For businesses looking to secure better deals in public procurement, Bidsstack provides powerful tender tools that help you identify the right opportunities, optimize your bids, and win more contracts.

Find the perfect tender effortlessly with our advanced search, allowing you to filter by the tender number, industry, region, and more.
Find the perfect tender effortlessly with our advanced search, allowing you to filter by the tender number, industry, region, and more.
Find the perfect tender effortlessly with our advanced search, allowing you to filter by the tender number, industry, region, and more.

Advanced Search

Find the perfect tender effortlessly with our advanced search, allowing you to filter by the tender number, industry, region, and more.

Gain Competitive Insights with Awarded Tenders

Analyze winning bids to understand what it takes to succeed.

Analyze winning bids to understand what it takes to succeed.
Analyze winning bids to understand what it takes to succeed.
Analyze winning bids to understand what it takes to succeed.
Access valuable information on cancelled tenders to understand why they were unsuccessful.
Access valuable information on cancelled tenders to understand why they were unsuccessful.
Access valuable information on cancelled tenders to understand why they were unsuccessful.

Learn from Cancelled Tenders and Refine Your Strategy

Access valuable information on cancelled tenders to understand why they were unsuccessful.

Expand Your Knowledge Base with Closed Tenders

Research competitor strategies and performance in closed tenders.

Research competitor strategies and performance in closed tenders.
Research competitor strategies and performance in closed tenders.
Research competitor strategies and performance in closed tenders.
Easily organize and access your awarded, cancelled, closed, and open tenders.
Easily organize and access your awarded, cancelled, closed, and open tenders.
Easily organize and access your awarded, cancelled, closed, and open tenders.

Stay Organized and Efficient with My Tenders

Easily organize and access your awarded, cancelled, closed, and open tenders.

Never Miss an Opportunity with NotifyPlus Tender Alerts

Get notified of relevant tender opportunities as soon as they are published.

Customize your alerts with unlimited keywords and filters to match your specific needs.

Gain Access to Unlimited Tender Alerts, Filters, and Keywords.

Get notified of relevant tender opportunities as soon as they are published.
Get notified of relevant tender opportunities as soon as they are published.
Get notified of relevant tender opportunities as soon as they are published.

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© 2024 Bidsstack.

© 2024 Bidsstack.