Get Access To Awarded, Closed, Cancelled Tenders

Make Informed Decisions with Real-Time Tender Data

Package 1

ZAR 100


Annual Includes 2 Months Free

ZAR 1,000 Per Year

Access Awarded Tenders

Access Awarded Companies

No Credit Card Is Required for the Free Trial

Start 7 Day Free Trial

Package 2

ZAR 300


Annual Includes 2 Months Free

ZAR 3,000 Per Year

Everything in Package 1

Access Closed Tenders

Access Cancelled Tenders

No Credit Card Is Required for the Free Trial

Start 7 Day Free Trial

Package 3


Everything in Package 2

Directly Responsible Individual (Human Assistant)

The Human Assistant Will Help You Find Tenders You Couldn’t Locate Using the Filters.

Credit Card Payment Is Required

Contact Us

Each Package Includes the Following

7-Day Free Trial

All Tender Opportunities Across SA

Various Industries and Province

Single Monthly Cost

Leads Processed Every Day

Mobile Friendly Emails

Who Would Need This?

  • Procurement Managers

    • Need: I want to gain insights from awarded, closed, and cancelled tenders to refine my bidding strategies.

    • Benefit: I can make more informed decisions and improve my success rate in tender submissions.

  • Consultants/Freelancers

    • Need: I’m looking for a way to understand what makes a successful bid and apply those insights to my own submissions.

    • Benefit:I can increase my chances of winning contracts by leveraging the data from awarded tenders.

  • Supply Chain Managers

    • Need: I need insights into awarded and cancelled tenders to align our supply chain strategies with winning bids.

    • Benefit: I can ensure our supply chain remains competitive and responsive to industry trends.

  • Small Business Owners

    • Need: I need access to detailed tender data across various industries and regions without spending excessive time searching.

    • Benefit: I can stay competitive by analyzing trends and optimizing my bids based on what works.

  • Bid Managers

    • Need: I require access to comprehensive tender data to manage and refine the bidding process for my organization.

    • Benefit: I can improve our bid success rate by learning from past tenders and optimizing our approach.

Features and Benefits

Gain Competitive Insights with Awarded Tenders

  • Review Recent Contracts: Access detailed information on recently awarded tenders.

  • Uncover Trends: Identify patterns and trends in successful bids.

  • Refine Strategies: Adapt your strategies to align with industry best practices.

Analyze winning bids to understand what it takes to succeed.
Analyze winning bids to understand what it takes to succeed.
Analyze winning bids to understand what it takes to succeed.
Easily organize and access your awarded, cancelled, closed, and open tenders.
Easily organize and access your awarded, cancelled, closed, and open tenders.
Easily organize and access your awarded, cancelled, closed, and open tenders.

Form Strategic Partnerships with Awarded Companies

  • Analyze Winning Bids: Understand the elements of successful bids to refine your own strategies.

  • Identify Key Players: Recognize and connect with top-performing companies in your industry.

  • Optimize Your Approach: Leverage detailed data from awarded tenders to enhance your bid submissions.

  • Form Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with companies that have a proven track record of success.

Expand Your Knowledge Base with Closed Tenders

  • Analyze Competitor Strategies: Understand how competitors approach tenders.

  • Evaluate Performance: Assess the performance of closed tenders to identify successful tactics.

  • Refine Your Bids: Use insights from closed tenders to enhance your own bid submissions.

Research competitor strategies and performance in closed tenders.
Research competitor strategies and performance in closed tenders.
Research competitor strategies and performance in closed tenders.
Access valuable information on cancelled tenders to understand why they were unsuccessful.
Access valuable information on cancelled tenders to understand why they were unsuccessful.
Access valuable information on cancelled tenders to understand why they were unsuccessful.

Learn from Cancelled Tenders and Refine Your Strategy

  • Understand Failures: Gain insights into the reasons behind cancelled tenders.

  • Avoid Pitfalls: Learn from past mistakes to enhance your tender strategy.

  • Improve Submissions: Use the information to refine and improve future tender submissions.

© 2024 Bidsstack.

© 2024 Bidsstack.

© 2024 Bidsstack.